"The true character of a man is determined by what he would do if he knew no one would find out." - Author Unknown

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lost and Found

Watching the crowd and listening to the stories in the music. I sat there, drawn into the shadows. I was allowing myself to lose control and it didn't concern me. In that moment, lost pain from fear-filled minutes of uncertainty in my early years spilled into my consciousness and I felt the air rush out of my chest. Yet, instead of drained and deflated, I felt weightless, I was floating.
I didn't understand before that very instant, what I long considered a single bad memory was, in reality, trauma.
Life altering trauma.
Unrecognized and unnamed. 
I allowed it to wash over me........... and tears fell softly and easily. It didn't last long and it felt like a redefinition of part of me. And when that moment was over, there was complete peace. 
I reclaimed some of my innocence.