When I send a 'friend request' on facebook, I don't expect that everyone will accept. Many of the women I know that are around my age, don't intend to use facebook as a true social network with everyone they know on their friends list like many young adults. They prefer to keep their contacts limited to their family for sharing updates and pictures. That was certainly my intention. I will admit, I have a few more 'friends' than I originally intended and now there is more pressure to keep my page updated.
In this blog and notes on facebook, I've talked about friends and acquaintances and how it's normal for lives to go in separate directions. That we each take different things from the relationships in our lives. How some relationships leave a deeper mark on one life than they do another. It's the friendships in our early lives that likely leave the biggest impression as we were able to spend more time each day discovering who our friends were and who we were with them.
Today I found my very first childhood friend on facebook, and it drew me back to the very core of my being. We haven't talked in a long time, but she is one of a very few people that have been 'present' my entire life. We knew each other before we were old enough to go to school, we went all through school together, and reconnect every now and again. When there is a major event in either of our families of origin, the need to touch base emerges for me. I don't know if she feels the same, but when she touches base, the same genuine friend is there. This is one friend request I REALLY want to have accepted.
She said YES!!