Remember as a kid, wishing you were all grown up so you didn't have to be told what to do? I wished away curfew. I wished away high school. I wished away dating and courtship. Since I started making my own decisions time has flown. I have some distinct memories of wondering what some point in the future would be like. All those future points are in the distant past. Like looking at my oldest son crawling around on the floor as a baby in the living room of our first house, wondering what he would look like when he was nine. "Nine" was nineteen years and three grandchildren ago. Two of those grandchildren are his children.
Yesterday I built a snowman with my neighbor and played in the snow with her dog, "Jack". Today my body is reminding me I built a snowman and played in the snow with my neighbor's dog "Jack". But the amazing thing is, for the first time in a very very long time, at the end of the day I felt like I'd had more than a day's worth of activity (fun and tasking). I had to remind myself that I had one more day in the weekend. I think the key is to fill several parts of the day doing something you really enjoy. After building snowman, I came inside and made chili and put it in the crock pot to simmer all day. I had some quiet time to myself to read and watch an old western on TV. Then in the afternoon, we got to spend a few hours with our oldest and youngest granddaughters, playing, laughing and reading books. Later in the evening my husband and I enjoyed the chili and some quiet time together. The day was exactly how I'd always imagined this time of my life to be, pretty uneventful but an average amount of fun. I'll have more of those days,.......... please.
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